'유진 레비: 여행 혐오자의 일탈 여행' - The Reluctant Traveller with Eugene Levy 시즌 2

'유진 레비: 여행 혐오자의 일탈 여행' - The Reluctant Traveller with Eugene Levy 시즌 2

  • 가난한
  • 나쁜
  • 평균
  • 매우 좋은
  • 완벽한


Levy ventures even further off the beaten path, inspired to experience local practices and global escapades with friends both new and old, including preparing for Midsummer in Swedish tradition with a moose-tracking adventure, visiting his mother's childhood homeland of Scotland for the first time, dining with a luminary and taking a bite out of French cuisine in Saint-Tropez, embracing wellness with a hay bath under German thatched roofs on the island of Sylt, voyaging on a Greek fishing expedition around Milos, learning medieval customs and harvesting grapes in Italy, and playing soccer with an iconic Spanish star in Seville, Spain.  더 보기


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